Wednesday, December 31, 2008
How to Use an Analog Watch as a Compass
1. Determine if you are in the northern or southern hemisphere.
2. In the northern hemisphere:
1. Hold the watch horizontal.
2. Point the hour hand in the direction of the sun.
3. Bisect the angle between the hour hand and the twelve o'clock mark to get the north-south line (substitute 1 o'clock mark during daylight savings time). North will be the direction further from the sun.
3. In the southern hemisphere:
1. Hold the watch horizontal.
2. Point twelve o'clock in the direction of the sun.
3. Bisect the angle between the hour hand and the twelve o'clock mark to get the north-south line.
4. North will be the direction closer to the sun, south the other way.
· No good with digital watches!
· The further away from the equator you are the more accurate your results will be, as the sun will cast a longer shadow.
· If is cloudy or overcast find an open area as far from sun obstructions as possible and hold up a stick, branch, ruler, pole or other straight object. A slight shadow will be cast in all but the worst conditions.
· You don't need an actual watch, you can draw a watch face on a piece of paper and the hack works just fine. It's nothing to do with the watch itself, other than knowing the time.
· For best results set your watch to "true" local time, in other words without adjustments for daylight savings time.
A quick trick like this is good but do not rely on this information in life-critical situations. Buy a compass watch instead, or a GPS system.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Ferrari replica,Chopard replica,Alain Silberstain replica and Omega replica.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The two most important points of advice I could give someone regarding watches are: Almost always, you get what you pay for...and, if you buy a quality, pre-owned watch, and maintain it in good condition, your watch will act as an investment.
Listed below are the three points that I will argue in the Rolex vs. Timex debate. Individually, none of them are enough to support my argument....but collectively they provide some rational support for the Rolex, or other high end watch.
This is a very simple one. You get to use it. You get to wear it. People get to see it. Although many people will deny it, one of the most compelling reasons to wear a nice watch is the prestige. If you are at a wedding or a reunion, you just want people to see it. If you are a businessman, a nice watch symbolizes your success. This is the most obvious reason why one might want to own and wear a high end watch, but it's not the most important reason.
Like I get what you pay for. A high end watch will last for years and years, and can be passed down as a family heirloom from generation to generation. Quality watches are more durable and can better withstand wear and tear. They will run for years and years, and with a little TLC and maintenance, they can be kept in like new condition.
On the other hand, low end watches wear quite easily. In many cases, wear or damage is irreparable. Most inexpensive watches will end up in a landfill after only a couple years. Many people even call them "disposable" watches for this very reason.
As a general example, a rough guess would be that 99% of Rolex watches are probably still in use after 25 years....while perhaps 99% of Timex watches are in the garbage within the first 10 years.Let me provide a great example. My biggest problem is that I have a bad habit of constantly smashing my watch into metal door frames in my work office. If I wore a Timex, each time I did this, a huge scratch would inevitably be added to the watch. However, my Rolex GMT Master does not get a scratch. Instead, IT MAKES A SCRATCH on the door frame. Every Rolex or Omega watch I have known someone to wear for any extended period of time has maintained its original “like new” visual appearance for years.
The end result is that a high end watch could literally outlive you and your children, and you might keep the same watch for decades rather than buying a new $25 or $300 watch every couple of years.
3) INVESTMENTA high end watch’s investment appeal is probably the most compelling reason to own a quality, pre-owned watch. Prestige and quality won’t convince your spouse to agree with this argument. But a pre-owned watch’s ability to appreciate might be convincing.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Ferrari replica,Chopard replica,Alain Silberstain replica and Omega replica.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Watch Sizes - How to buy a watch online
Watch Cases:
Here are some general guidelines of watch sizes to help you narrow down your options. Keep in mind that sizing depends on the style and manufacturer. Some tend to make very petite watches, while others make larger models. All measurements are approximate and are measured by the width of the case.
Women’s Mini: 23mm-25mm.
Women’s Regular: 26mm-29mm
Midsize: 34mm-36mm.
Men’s: 37mm-39mm
Men’s sport: 40mm-42mm.
Mens XL: 45mm
For a frame of reference, take into account that,
A US quarter is 24.26mm in diameter and 1.75 mm thick.
A US Half dollar is 30.61mm in diameter and 2.15 mm thick.
Midsize watches: A midsize watch is a watch that is smaller than a regular men's watch and larger than a regular women's watch. Women who like their watches to be a bit bigger than normal can opt for this size. From our experience, most men find midsize watches to be too small. However, if a man is of a particularly small build, he may prefer this size.
Here is a great trick that can help you when buying a watch online:
Check the watch specifications to see the diameter of the watch (or in the case of a rectangular watch, the height and width of the case), take out a ruler and draw a circle with that watch diameter (or a rectangle for a tank-style watch). Cut out the shape and put it on your wrist. Voila! Imagine the style and you're one step closer to making your decision.
Hint: If the watch measurements are specified in millimeters, and your ruler does not have millimeters, you can simply convert the millimeters to inches by multiplying the millimeters by .03937. For example, if a watch is 20mm wide, just do 20 x .3937=.7874. You can round that off to .8 and draw a circle with a diameter of a little more than 3/4 of an inch. Or, if you'd rather work in cm, you can convert mm to cm by multiplying the millimeters by 0.1. So 20mm will equal to 2 centimeters. If you're not good with math - just type "convert 20mm to inches" into google and they'll do it for you!
Watch Bracelets:
Most ladies watch bracelets come standard at 6.75 to 7 inches. Men's are typically 7.5 to 8 inches. (divers watches are an exception because they are designed for use while wearing a wetsuit.)
If you purchase a watch with a metal bracelet, there is a good chance you will have to have one or more links removed to fit your wrist properly. This is best done when the wearer is present so that the watchmaker can see the shape of your wrist to determine which links to remove. Sometimes it is better to remove a link from the right side of the watch, other times they will opt to remove it from the left side, depending on the size of your wrist and how the watch fits. You may also need to remove only a half link, as opposed to a full link. That is why most companies do not size the watches for you.
We suggest that you take your watch to a reputable local jeweler for sizing. Expect to pay a nominal fee (around $5-$10) for this service. Do not attempt to size your own watch! You may damage or scratch the watch and bracelet. After the links are removed, keep the extra ones! Occasionally, a watch bracelet may break and it is a lot easier (and cheaper) to have the bracelet repaired with your own links than ordering and shipping new ones.
In the case that a watch bracelet is too short (not the usual case), sometimes a full link or half link can be ordered from the manufacturer. Depending on the availability of the watch (if it is new or discontinued) and manufacturer, the prices can range from $25/link to $150/link. If your wrist is larger than most, you should contact the company before purchasing and ask them to measure the bracelet for you to make sure it will fit. If it is too small, and you really like the watch, you can contact the manufacturer to find out if you can order additional links.
We hope this will help you when you are choosing a watch size and/or sizing your watch!
If you need any more help or suggestions, just contact us!
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Ferrari replica,Chopard replica,Alain Silberstain replica and Omega replica.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Watchmakers Tools. What To Look For When Buying.
The watchmakers lathe is one tool that you are sure to need. They are used to remove damaged balance staffs on watches. You will also need a good set of collets. I have found that the best lathe is the Levin or Boley. Most of these lathes have either hard cone bearings or ball bearings. They are both designed to be adjusted and it is very rare to find a lathe that is worn out and not operational.
Another important item is the watchmakers bench. There are many new ones available and are shipped needing to be assembled. Again, many good ones have been found on eBay. One of the best companies that made the majority of watchmakers benches was J. H. Rosberg of Chicago. These benches were the correct height and most had 13 drawers for storing tools along with an apron for catching parts and holding tools that you were using at the time. Most of these benches were open tops. You could also purchase one that had the roll top feature that kept dust from off the bench or people out of your bench. This style is rather rare and can cost several thousand dollars for a perfect oak example.
When looking for watchmakers tools on internet it is important to avoid buying collector item tools unless you plan on using them. These are antique tools such as rounding up tools for gear cutting and other early watchmakers tools. If you plan on working with watches you should plan what you need to use and buy only those items that you need to repair a watch with. Later on it is fun to buy a few old tools for display and enjoyment. These old tools make great conversation pieces.
When buying from a seller on internet, be sure to ask questions about the tool you are interested in buying. Many sellers specialize in old watchmakers tools and can give you answers to your questions.
Staking sets are in great supply. Again I have found that the Levin or Boley are great tools. Another American brand is the K and D staking set. These sets are the most common that you will find. It is important to buy a set where the stakes and anvils are in very good condition and not worn. Most of these sets were well used so pay special attention to condition.
There is an old saying that a craftsman is only as good as his tools. This saying applies today as one looks for watchmakers tools to use in the shop. Always try and buy the best that you can afford. If taken care of, watchmakers tools will last another lifetime.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Tudor replica,Ferrari replica and Omega replica.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Rolex Serial Numbers By Model Year
1925-25000 1948-543400 1971-3215500 1991 3/4-N000001
1926-28000 1949-608500 1972-3478400 1992 1/4-C000001
1927-30430 1950-673600 1973-3741300 1993 3/4-S000001
1928-32960 1951-738700 1974-4004200 1994-S000001-UP
1929-35390 1952-803800 1975-4267100 1995-W00001
1930-37820 1953-950000 1976-4539000 1995 1/2-T000001
1931-40250 1954-999999 1977-5006000 1996-T000001
1932-42680 1955-200000 1978-5482000 1997 1/2-U000001
1933-43000 1956-400000 1979-5958000 1998-U000001
1934-45000 1957-600000 1980-6434000 1999-A000001
1935-63000 1958-800000 1981-6910000 2000-P000001
1936-81000 1959-1100000 1982-7386000 2001-P000000-UP
1937-99000 1960-1402000 1983-7862000 2001 1/2-K000001-UP
1938-117000 1961-1480000 1984-8338000 2002-K000001
1939-135000 1962-1558000 1985-8814000 2003-Y000001
1940-164600 1963-1636000 1986-9290000 2004-Y000001-UP
1941-194200 1964-1714000 1987-9766000 2005-F000001
1942-223800 1965-1792000 1987 1/2-9999999 2006-D000001
1943-253400 1966-1871000 1987 3/4-R0000002 2007-Z000001
1944-283000 1967-2163900 1988-R000001-UP 2008-M000001
1945-348100 1968-2426800 1989-L00001
1946-413200 1969-2689700 1990 1/2-E000001
1947-478300 1970-2952600 1991 3/4-X000001
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Tudor replica,Ferrari replica and Omega replica.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Why Replica Watches are in Demand and How to Identify Them?
It is also important to understand that if a model is not shown in the catalogue or on the website of the original manufacturer it doesn't mean it is a fake. Various watchmakers have many collections the timepieces of which cannot be fully displayed.
Pay attention to specific features: Most of replica watches do not possess specific features of a genuine timepiece like the transparent case back or a helium release valve. If you find some replicas that really include such features then it doesn't mean that they work properly. The back of the case can be made of some glass which can be easily broken when the watch is dropped.
Fake chronographs can have for instance non-operating subdials and some functions like the stop watch. Some replica watches may have color combinations or textures of their bezel that cannot be seen on the genuine timepiece. The mechanism on the clasp of the bracelet can have a less complicated mechanism.
Identify the older or less known genuine watches: Some famous brands like Cartier, Omega or IWC create models that look similar to their older versions. Although these watches are original sometimes even collectors collectors may mistake some watches as being just a skillful forgery. Some watches are created for specific reasons, whether on demand or for international expositions. These are made in a small number so they may be unknown to some people.
Some original watch manufacturers engrave their serial numbers in specific places of the watch. For example Omega timepieces have an 8 digit serial number which is laser etched and in most cases it can be found on the back of a lug or the case.
Breitling Replica Identification
Movement First! An easy way to reveal a Breitling replica from the original Breitling watch is by its movement. It is important to make sure that the movement of the genuine timepiece is automatic and not battery powered and its chronographs work. To understand whether the movement is automatic or not, it is necessary to take a look at the second hand. The latter is sweeping on the timepiece with an automatic movement. It means that the hand does not tick every second. Having a look at the second hand you can see that it smoothly moves through a series of some very fine ticks.
Chronographs: The original chronographs work when pushing small buttons located at the side of the watch. If you see that the chronographs can act as stop watches, then you got the original watch. On the fake Breitling models the chronographs simply track the seconds as well as hours and days. The Breitling replicas have chronographs that whether do not function or are unable to act as timers.
Why Not Prohibited?
The possession of a replica watch is not considered to be illegal but their production can be considered so. This is because fake watch manufacturers violate the law concerning the copyrights and trademarks of the original watch producer. There are several reasons that can explain the fact that fake watches are not stopped by the law or legal actions of the original manufacturers.
First of all the watch market encompasses a huge number of fake watch manufacturers. Thus, when one manufacturer of fake watches is stopped several other replica timepiece creators appear on the market. It is like a tendency, some kind of axiom. This cannot be stopped. Legal actions require huge costs and original manufacturers are aware of the fact that their actions against fake watch manufacturers are just a waste of time and money.
In order to stop the invasion of fake watches the watch market requires government intervention on the international level but recently there are other important international problems that need to be solved besides fighting the replica watch manufacturers.
The second reason is that the replica watches do not have a serious impact on the original watch manufacturers. The latter will lose much more money on legal pursue than on letting the fake timepiece producers do their job. And finally, the legal manufacturers do not want to be involved in some cases like the sale of a fake watch by the price of an original. The latter are the cases of fraud handled by the police. For the manufacturers of original watches there is no need to be involved since in the fraud cases there are no sellers or dealers that have any connection with the original producer.
A Glance into the History
The industry of watchmaking has a long history throughout which the manufacturers of various timepieces not always were able to survive either because of competition on the market of watches or because of economic, political and/or social aspects. Some watchmakers that have become well-known today had a long way to go before they achieved the status of famous.
First there were some revolutions during the 19th century, then there occurred the First World War and afterwards humanity felt the impact of the Second World War. The watchmaking industry survived and continued its production increasing its sales of mechanical winding or automatic wristwatches. The prosperity was about to end when the manufacturers of mechanical timepiece faced the quartz watches that came mainly from Asian countries.
The rivalry among mechanical and battery powered movements during 1980s ended and each company finally found its customer.
Highlights on Replica Watches
Today the manufacturers of genuine timepieces have another issue to face, which is related to replica watches. The latter have already become popular thanks to their price, which is much lower than the original watches, and the exactness of their reproduction.
The most popular models of watches designed by the famous brands are copied by various replica watch manufacturers. The price of copied timepieces may vary from ten dollars and till several hundreds of dollars. It is quite obvious the fact that the more peculiarities of a genuine watch are accurately copied, the higher the price for a replica will be. Still, no matter how brilliantly the timepieces are copied, the price of a fake watch is still lower, which is why there is a high demand for replicas.
Today the original models are copied quite well, having even the manufacturer's logo, serial numbers and many other aspects with the help of which it is easy to detect whether the timepiece is genuine. As for the durability of replica timepieces - it can vary from two or three years and up depending on the quality of materials used in their manufacturing as well as the assembling.
The replica watch "trend" is not a new one. Among various copies one can find watches that were copied many years ago. The old fakes were copied from the brands that were not very popular and the price of which was also not very high. These old replicas were relabeled. A different logo of the brand on the dial of a fake watch was repainted.
But it is still up to the consumer to decide what kind of timepiece to purchase. The main advantage of a replica watch is its price but the main advantage of a genuine timepiece is its reliability and durability. Thus the main choice refers to the mix of quality and price.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Ferrari replica,Chopard replica,Alain Silberstain replica,Omega replica and Parerai replica.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Watch Movements
But why have these watches grown in popularity all of a sudden? For automatic and mechanical watches in particular, many people appreciate the craft involved in making them. The technology is hundreds of years in the making, and still growing even today. Others have come to appreciate watches that run on "clean," natural energy such as 'wrist power' or solar tech, and therefore eliminating the worry of polluting batteries to dispose of.
Below are examples of the most common watch movement types on the market today:
A watch that uses a balance wheel for time measurement and a mainspring for power. Also referred to as a 'Manual Wind' watch.
A self-winding watch. Inside is a rotor which includes an oscillating weight that swings backwards and forwards with every movement of the wrist. The oscillations are converted by means of a gearing into a rotary motion that winds the mainspring.
The most common watch movement type today. A tiny piece if quartz crystal inside a tube vibrates at very high speeds to simulate oscillation. These watches also use a small battery for power that lasts generally about 2-3 years. These watches do not require winding.
Kinetic Quartz
The Kinetic quartz is exclusive technology to Seiko Instruments. It generates electrical energy to power itself from the natural movement of the wearer’s arm and wrist. It stores the energy in a capacitor. The reserve energy lasts 3 to 14 days in a motionless watch.
Solar Quartz
A relatively new technology, Solar quartz watches use a quartz crystal for time measurement. The dial uses a very thin disc of amorphous Silicon under the dial to convert light energy into electrical energy through a photovoltaic process. The electrical energy is then stored in a special energy storage cell. Citizen Watches in particular has an entire line devoted this solar technology, known as their 'Eco-Drive' timepieces.
Hope this helps. Good luck and happy bidding. We wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Ferrari replica,Chopard replica,Alain Silberstain replica,Omega replica and Parerai replica.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Restoration project of a Submariner 1680
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Tudor replica, Chopard replica,Romain Jerome replica and Louis Vuitton replica.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
If you own a Self Winding Automatic Watch Read This
You may experience that your self-winding watch occasionally stops overnight or appears to be running slowly. This does not necessarily indicate a malfunction or defect in the watch. In most cases, the problem is related to the power reserve that has not been properly initiated or, may be the result of too insufficient wrist action while wearing the watch.
For a self-winding watch to function properly, the mainspring must build up a sufficient power reserve. Many people are unaware that a self-winding watch needs to be wound first manually before it will run automatically. This is called the initiation process. Without the initiation process, the watch will never operate properly or consistently.
To initiate the power reserve, the watch must be wound manually. Turn the winding crown at the 3 o’clock position, in a clockwise direction for about 40 revolutions. This start up wind is usually sufficient for most automatic watches.
After completion of the initiation process, the watch will wind itself automatically (rebuilding the power reserve) by means of an oscillation weight that shifts every time the watch’s position is changed by the action of the arm and wrist.
A self-winding watch should be worn at least eight hours a day to maximize the power reserve. If this is not possible, or if the watch has been off the wrist for more than 15-20 hours, the initiation process must be repeated.
Hope you have found this guide helpful, enjoy your Automatic watch!
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Tudor replica,Romain Jerome replica and Roger Dubuis replica.
Friday, December 19, 2008
How to determine watch quality
Watches have cases. The cases can be solid stainless steel (best in my opinion for longevity and ease in restoration), plated metal, gold and silver and titanium. Gold is really too heavy, so everyday wear go with two tone, stainless and solid gold, 10 or 14k is fine. Titanium is low weight, strong and feels good on the wrist. But stainless is best in 90% of everyday wear. I avoid plastic now, with so many high quality stainless out there there is no point. Timex makes some great analog digital watches, go for them, they are very tough and extremely water proof. I lean toward analog quartz and automatic self winding watches for my collections. They are reliable and easy to service and hold their value. Too many functions or dials and your either don't need it or its almost impossible to service. I do like my Tissot T-Touch watches, so far so good, both are working fine and very accurate. I just got the battery replacement instructions too.
Back to watch cases, the worst are base metal with thin plating. Timex does a great job with brass and stainless chrome plating, they last years. I have serviced so many cheap replicas and the cases are zinc pot metal with a flash coating of stainless. You can't wear them more than a weak before they rub off and pit. I only use solid stainless in my collections. Just because a caseback is stainless does not mean the case is. When I list my watches I go through the trouble to find out what the cases are made of and state so. The new Disney base metal plated cases are up to Timex standards so they can be worn for years BTW.
Movements, pretty much Swiss ETA, Swiss Ronda and the Japan parts are great and pretty inexpensive. I like ETA, Ronda is excellent too, and the Miyota, Pulsar/Seiko, ISA, Timex they are all great, some movement models are better and repairable but most analog quartz movements are only like $20 or less, so I just replace them now, its faster and its new! ETA and Seiko make some cheap stuff so you need to know what model movement is in the watch. China makes some great automatics, they tend to be very hard to rebuild though, hard to get the gears and springs back, but they are soo inexpensive its often faster to just replace with new at $25 cost! Right now my favorite automatic is the ETA 2824, I have become almost an expert in repairing them. I love the look of Rolex submariners but to be honest the movement and cases are not worth what they charge, Omega is a better bang for the buck. A great watch like a seamaster for an example, the actual parts cost is like $100 for the stainless case, $30 for a sapphire crystal, $20 for a double seal crown and tube, $40 for a stainless band, $30 for a nice dial, maybe $30 for a high quality turning bezel and nice anodized insert, $10 for three nice hands, and $70 for an ETA 2824 automatic movement, add about $10 for various o-ring seals and that’s it for parts cost (about $340). Now double that for labor and overhead ($680) and you see most watches are WAY over priced. You pay for a brand name and nothing more. If there is some gold added, 14k is 14/24 pure so add that in if you know the gold weight. Than diamonds, small stones under 1/8 carat are only $2 to $12 each FYI. So buy with quality parts and a nice look and not by brand only. Solid stainless Timex for everyday and snorkel depths (look for 100 meter rated), Invicta automatics for more formal wear, Omega if you want to splurge, Hamilton is great too and of course Tissot at discount is a fine made watch. Some Russian made are fine as sell, Vostok is a great water tight watch and very inexpensive. So that is my lessons learned in a nutshell. Oh yea, clean your watch once a month, take a tooth brush and hand soap and scrub it, rinse off and dry. You wouldn't believe some of the filthy watches I have been given to repair, yuck! Never use an ultrasonic cleaner on a watch, the vibration will damage the movement, knock hands and screws loose and cause a faulty o-ring to let water in.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Tudor replica,Romain Jerome replica and Ebel replica.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Watch Size By Antique Time Vintage Watch Repair
Watch Size Fraction Inch Decimal Inch Ligne Size Millimeter
18 1 inch 23/30 1.766 19.87 44.86
17 1 inch 22/30 1.733 19.50 44.02
16 1 inch 21/30 1.700 19.12 43.17
15 1 inch 20/30 1.666 18.75 42.33
14 1 inch 19/30 1.633 18.37 41.48
13 1 inch 18/30 1.600 18.00 40.63
12 1 inch 17.30 1.566 17.62 39.79
11 1 inch 16/30 1.533 17.25 38.94
10 1 inch 15/30 1.500 16.87 38.09
9 1 inch 14/30 1.466 16.50 37.25
8 1 inch 13/30 1.433 16.12 36.40
7 1 inch 12/30 1.400 15.75 35.55
6 1 inch 11/30 1.366 15.37 34.71
5 1 inch 10/30 1.333 15.00 33.86
4 1 inch 9/30 1.300 14.62 33.01
3 1 inch 8/30 1.266 14.25 32.17
2 1 inch 7/30 1.233 13.87 31.32
1 1 inch 6/30 1.200 13.50 30.47
0 1 inch 5/30 1.166 13.12 29.63
00 or 2/0 1 inch 4/30 1.133 12.75 28.78
3/0 1 inch 3/30 1.100 12.37 27.93
4/0 1 inch 2/30 1.066 12.00 27.09
5/0 1 inch 1/30 1.033 11.62 26.24
6/0 1 inch 1.000 11.25 25.39
7/0 29/30 0.966 10.87 24.55
8/0 28/30 0.933 10.50 23.70
9/0 27/30 0.900 10.12 22.85
10/0 26/30 0.866 9.75 22.01
11/0 25/30 0.833 9.37 21.16
12/0 24/30 0.800 9.00 20.31
13/0 23/30 0.766 8.62 19.47
14/0 22/30 0.733 8.25 18.62
15/0 21/30 0.700 7.87 17.77
16/0 20/30 0.666 7.50 16.93
17/0 19/30 0.633 7.12 16.08
18/0 18/30 0.600 6.75 15.23
19/0 17/30 0.566 6.37 14.39
20/0 16/30 0.533 6.00 13.54
21/0 15/30 0.500 5.62 12.69
22/0 14/30 0.466 5.25 11.85
23/0 13/30 0.433 4.87 11.00
24/0 12/30 0.400 4.50 10.15
25/0 11/30 0.366 4.12 9.31
26/0 10/30 0.333 3.75 8.46
Comparative values of standards of measurement. 1 inch equals 25.4 millimeters, 1 millimeter equals .03937 inches, and 1 ligne equals 2.25 millimeters.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Tudor replica,Romain Jerome replica and Corum replica.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How to Identify a Fake Watch
When you buy a watch, and specifically a genuine watch, pay attention that you don't pay a lot of money for a fake timepiece. There are special on-line shops, which sell replica watches and they admit it. When buying a genuine watch at an unknown store, pay attention to the below listed steps, tips and warning
1. Make yourself familiar with the collections of the watch brand, the timepiece of which you wish to buy.
2. Always inspect thoroughly the watch you wish to buy. Pay attention to the inscriptions and engravings on the face and on the case back of the watch. The original watch will never have a smeared inscription on the face or an unclear engraving.
3. Pay attention to the functions of the watch, i.e. how the watch itself works and how the chronograph works. Most Rolex watches have a sweep second hand and many fakes will have a tick style hand; however, some real Rolex watches have a tick style hand, so know your model. Some replica watches, which have a magnifying glass (called a cyclops), may have a weak level of magnification in comparison to the genuine timepiece.
4. Pay attention to the movement of the watch. If you intent to buy a mechanical timepiece, you should try to take a look under the case back. Fake watches often have a mechanical movement, but it is generally of lower quality than the genuine movement.
· Try to have the most recent catalogue always at hand, so you can compare the items in the store and the ones featured in the catalogue.
· Try to consult a person who deals with watches everyday or who is at least a watch enthusiast or professional collector.
· Use your common sense: a watch sold at a fraction of the store price is very likely to be fake.
· The catalogues may not always contain all the watch models the company provides. There are cases when a specific watch is not included in the catalogue.
· Beware that there are mechanical counterfeits, which have a sweeping seconds hand.
· Be careful not to misidentify an original watch. The watchmakers have produced thousands of watches and collections. There are older models which might be identified as being replicas.
· There were cases when even the watch brand has issued watches initially having a flaw, so don't haste the decision. The manufacturer will always call the watches back, when the flaw will be discovered.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Tudor replica,Romain Jerome replica and Channel replica.Hide these ads - Why?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
How to Make Gold Accessories Last Longer
Unless you have been hiding under a rock for the past few months, you’ve probably noticed that gold accessories are everywhere this season, from shoes to handbags. However, gold is a bold color, which makes marks and scuffs stand out like a sore thumb. So if you want to keep those accessories looking nice and new, follow these steps.
1. Buy smart. If something is cheap when you buy it, it is most likely going to be of poor quality. If you are serious about your gold accessories, purchase from reputable brands to avoid quick fading or scuffs.
2. Treat your gold shoes, purses, and belts with leather spray prior to use to prevent potential scuffs, marks and stains from permanently setting in and ruining the accessory.
3. Wear with care. For example, don’t wear your new gold shoes to frat parties because the "frat juice" inevitably covering the floor by the end of the night will eat away at the gold color on your shoes.
4. Wash gently. Wipe away dirt with a damp, soft cloth but no soap. And don’t scrub—the gold may wash away.
5. Purchase a gold paint marker. That way if your accessory does get a scuff or mark, you can touch it up to make it look shiny and new again.
6. The best decision about gold jewelery is buy real gold not fake ones but buy in jewelery. If you buy real gold you even don't have to take care of it, because 24K gold doesn't fade; it will keep its color.
When wearing gold accessories, remember not to go overboard. You do not want to look like a gold nugget. Two gold accessories are enough to pull an outfit together and shine while doing so!
· Don't ever try to wear gold purses to work in office, because it's looks cheap.
· Don't buy fake gold imitating real gold, because fake gold won't last a long time - only 3 or 4 months.
· Don't ever try to paint your own accessories with gold paint - it will most likely damage your accessories.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Tudor replica,Romain Jerome replica and Catier replica.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Which watches can be repaired?
A watch may still be worth repairing even if the repair costs exceed the replacement costs if the watch has some sentimental value to you, such as your grandmother's watch. Watches used to be heirlooms traditionally handed down when a child became an adult as new watches were too expensive for them to buy. I highly recommend keeping your watch even if you aren't that interested in it right now.
Be aware that some watchmakers only work on antique or mechanical watches and may not be able to help with the newer ones, such as quartz watches. It might surprise you that there are lots of people who can repair watches from the 1930's, but not watches from the 1990's. The reason is that the ones from the 1930's, for the most part, were designed to be repaired while the ones from the 1990's, for the most part, weren't.
Also, many watchmakers do not handle certain things like replacement watch bands, replacement links to watch bands, replacing diamonds and other jewels on a watch case and other similar "jewelry" aspects of a watch.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches, to know more information about the replica watches, please visit the website:
Rolex, Rolex replica, Rolex 2008 New Model, Breitling replica, Bell&Ross replica, Patek Philippe replica, U-BOAT replica, Omega replica, Romain Jerome replica and Cartier replica.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Unique Dive Watches
Back in the Day...
Designer watches and luxury watches are fairly new innovations, as well as specialty timepieces such as dive watches. The concept goes back quite a ways in history, however.
The first mechanical clocks came into existence in Europe around 1300, during the time of such luminaries as William ("Braveheart") Wallace, Marco Polo, Jacques DeMolay and Dante Alighieri. (Interestingly, eyeglasses were invented about the same time.) These early clocks were driven by weights; spring-driven clock - from which mens watches were ultimately developed - did not come along until well over one hundred years later.
The first mens watches, invented around the time of King Henry VIII, were miniature versions of wall clocks, carried on a chain around the neck. Early models were still large and none-too-dependable; nonetheless, the pocket watch ultimately became a standard accessory for gentlemen starting in the 1600s and lasting until well into the 20th century (and was a required tool for railroad men).
The first wristwatches were actually made for women; the "bracelet watch" was first made available in 1868. It was the advent of aviation that led to the development of the first mens watches starting with the Santos watch of 1904 (named for the famous French-Brazilian aviator).
Designer Watches Since Then
The manufacturer of that early wristwatch was Louis Cartier - a name that has since been synonymous with luxury watches. However, his is hardly the only one.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Romain Jerome replica and Ebel replica.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Give Them Diamonds!
How to Decide Where to Buy and How Much to Spend
If you need to keep the time anyway, why not do it in style? But shopping for diamond watch is never easy. Every jewelry store is competing with all the others, and you hear so many horror stories about this jewelry store and that. You hardly know which store to go to when they all make each other out to be crooks. When every jewelry store advertises that the competition doesn’t know what they’re doing, who are you supposed to trust? And diamond watches are so expensive, many of the prices found in the jewelry stores are just too much to pay.
A little Internet shopping might be the first thing you’ll want to check out, because even if you don’t buy you can get some different prices to comparison shop with. In most locations, the Sunday edition of the newspaper is filled with ads for jewelry stores. It is always easier to buy something when it’s on sale, and the Sunday sales ads offer great bargains. The colorful displays will give the casual shopper a good idea of what’s being offered, also.
The Right Diamonds for You
Diamond lovers talk of clarity, carat, and cut, but in truth the best diamond to buy is the one that you absolutely love. If it sings to you, and you can afford it, then you should take the plunge. What’s the point of having something attractive if you don’t completely adore it? A quality diamond is the one that looks the best to you. After all, a beautiful diamond watch is an item that can be passed down through generations, and will always be treasured. The right diamond watch to pick is the one that you love, because either way you’re going to be stuck with it for a long while yet.
The setting, the stones, the watch itself all must combine in just the right way. When all these different pieces come together to form the perfect whole, you will know it right away. The watch that strikes you the most is the one you’ll want to buy. Worrying about the cut and shape of the stones, the perfection and size, is less important than the general appeal and effect of the whole piece.
If you’re buying diamonds for someone else, try to put yourself in their shoes. Think about their taste and style in other jewelry that they’re worn or purchased, and mimic this as much as possible. In any case, a diamond watch is a gift that anyone will cherish for a lifetime. A beautiful diamond watch will be cherished all the more, and buying someone a gift that they would have picked out for themselves, if they could have, is a gesture that will never be forgotten.
The Gift They’ll Always Remember
Large or small, diamonds are always fashionable. A diamond watch is a great gift to give to yourself or someone close to you, and it should last you a lifetime. After all, doesn’t everyone love diamonds? Some can afford to buy the very best, and that’s always to be encouraged. Others must live on a budget, but that doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t want to buy elegant things or give precious gifts. Doing a little shopping around will help you determine what kind of watch you can afford to purchase, and at least you’ll have done your homework before you venture inside your local jewelry store. Giving someone a beautiful piece that will last them a lifetime is a gesture that won’t soon be forgotten, and if you’re shopping for yourself then you’ll have something you can always cherish. The best purchase you can make is an educated one, so be sure to do plenty of shopping around before you commit. In any case, diamonds are going to be an expensive purchase, but they are considered to be something of an investment. You’ll want to spend your money wisely, and come away with something that best suits you.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Romain Jerome replica and Alain Silberstein replica.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
How Automatic Watches Work
Depending on your age, you may or may not remember seeing your father wind his watch each night before going to bed. If he did not, he would surely wake to a watch that had stopped. Those days became history with the advent of the automatic watch. What makes it automatic? It still has the same basic mechanism to keep the watch working, but how that mechanism is powered changed the way we cared for our watches.
All mechanical watches work in a similar manner. They require a movement of a series of gears to “tick” of increments of time, which in turn registers as movements of the hands on the face of the watch. A rotor in the watch sits on a staff in the middle of the watch’s movement. It rotates in a circular motion and winds the mainspring which is the source of power in mechanical watches. With an automatic watch the winding of this spiral spring is done automatically with any arm or wrist movement.
Self-winding, automatic watches work great for people who wear the watch each day, but if you do not wear the watch frequently, it needs manual winding about twice a week. Even automatic watches will stay working better if they are wound manually about once every two weeks because this helps keep the watch lubricated. It is a misconception that automatic watches never need any winding, since it all depends on the movement of the arm to keep it functioning well.
A power reserve lets the movement of your watch keep time for anywhere between 10 and 72 hours. There is something called a power reserve, and the bigger the reserve, the longer your automatic watch will keep running without further movement or manual winding.
Rolex was the first watch manufacturer to devise and patent the rotor system that is still used today. They called it the Perpetual and it was part of the popular Oyster line created in the early 1930s. Emile Borer was the Rolex technician who came up with the system, but he was not the first to develop a rotor. That distinction goes to Swiss watchmaker, Abraham-Louis Perrelet as long ago as 1770. This was quite the invention because it wouldn’t be until much later in time that wrist watches were worn and there just wasn’t enough physical movement with a pocket watch to make it a feasible way to move the rotor and wind the mainspring.
Automatic watches differ from quartz watches which are powered by batteries and not by either a manual or automatic winding system. Powered by a battery, the quartz crystal inside a quartz watch vibrates nearly 33,000 times per. Watch batteries last about two years, where automatic watches have a never ending source of power: movement or motion.
Quartz watches account for most moderately priced watch sales today, but connoisseurs of watches still like the prestige and elegance of a finely crafted mechanical watch. Automatics have started to regain some of the quartz market in recent years accounting for huge increases (95%) in sales between 1993 and 1995.
Lubrication is essential to keeping an automatic watch running well. Watches can be lubricated by manually winding the watch periodically and taking it in to a jeweler once about every 3 to 5 years. When winding an automatic watch, just wind it about 30 to 40 times or until you feel some resistance. Keeping the watch is a watch winding box is also a good way to keep the watch lubricated.
Automatic watches are also quite affordable. They actually come in every price range. Some economical brands include Invicta watch and Orient watch, and then the price can reach into the very expensive range depending on the embellishments or the prestige of a specific brand.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Romain Jerome replica,Longines replica and Oris replica.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Vintage Jewelry Watches Buyer's Guide
Say what you mean and mean what you sayFor the beginner in need of a vintage jewelry watches buyer's guide, terminology is the key to finding the kind of watches desired without missing a great find due to a lack of clarity in communication.
Vintage jewelry watches are sometimes referred to as estate watches. If you were to enter an antique mall looking for watches, the odds are good that you will be directed to the estate jewelry section. Do not be thrown off by this moniker!
Additionally, know the period you are looking for. Victorian jewelry is perhaps the most commonly sought after commodity, and since it spans from about 1837 to 1900, the odds of finding pieces are very good. Edwardian watches, on the other hand, are confined to a nine year period dating from 1901 to 1910 and thus make for a more challenging period to find.
Where to look for classic time piecesNo collection of vintage jewelry watches is complete without the addition of at least one pocket watch. When it comes to pocket watches, the Antique Jewelry Exchange website is your first point of contact. With the inventory changing frequently and the site run by bona fide jewelers who know what they are talking about, even newbies can visit and shop with confidence.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica,Tudor replica,Romain Jerome replica and Zenith replica.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Care of Old Clocks
These clocks have been running steadily prior to being in the case. Movement for inspections can cause minor adjustment problems. A clock should not be moved with the pendulum on and free to swing. It is best to remove the pendulum prior to transport.
1. Set the works Level to get the beat right. The beat of a pendulum clock is the time between the Tick - Tock - Tick - Tock. It should be even. Not like Tick-Tock - Tick-Tock. Clocks will not run correctly and may stop often if not set with an even beat.Level side to side - the beat of the clock can be adjusted by leveling the mechanism with coins or other shims. Lift one side, then the other, and listen. Most round French style clocks will turn in the case if care is not taken when they are wound. The works can be loosened and rotated in the case until the beat is even and the 12-3-6-9 are positioned correctly. A very small degree of rotation will make the difference between running and not running. If the case must be way out of level for the clock to have an even beat, a small adjustment can correct it. The problem is caused by the clock being moved with the pendulum mounted and it is fixed by repositioning the crutch. The crutch is the part which has an open slot for the pendulum to ride within and which gives an impulse to the pendulum at each end of its swing to keep the pendulum going back and forth. The center of motion of the crutch must be in the center of the clock. Sometimes the crutch gets bent or rotated on its shaft causing the clock not to run. To determine which way to adjust the crutch, get the beat even by picking up one side, or the other, of the case. Push the crutch carefully so it rotates ( or bends ) a little around its shaft to the side that is raised. Repeat until it runs when level. ( or until it runs in the spot you have selected for the clock )Anniversary clocks capable of running a year require precise leveling. The rotation of the pendulum causes a small, two prong fork to move back and forth. The beat is correct when the free rotation (the run) of the pendulum beyond the sound of the Tick and Tock is the same for both directions.
2. Time rate adjustment - Lower the pendulum bob to go slower, raise it to go faster. Many clocks have time adjust shafts which lower and raise the bob from the front. With time adjust shafts, turn in the direction indicated about one turn each try. Do not force. All of these clocks can be adjusted to keep accurate time.
3. Set hands to correct time. The minute hand is fixed firmly on a rectangular shaft and geared to turn the hour hand which is a friction fit. The hour hand can be turned to be the correct hour. Do not push the minute hand counter-clockwise, except for certain conditions as explained below. If a clock is ahead of time, stop it until it can be adjusted by moving the hands forward.One of the popular types of count mechanism for French clocks is called " Rack and Snail" It has the advantage of keeping the hour hand and the strike count synchronized. For the hands of the clock to move from 12:00 to 1:00 the twelve chime must run. If not, the "Count Lever" gets caught on the "Snail". If this happens and the clock stops between 12:00 and 1:00, ease the minute hand counter clock-wise to the 12 and wind the chime spring. The clock will chime twelve and the "Rack" will lift the "Count Lever" clear of the "Snail" and the hands can be moved forward. Many French clocks have count wheel in the back called a "locking plate" which with the "knife edge lifting lever" control the strike. To get the strike to correspond to the time do the following: 1. Advance the minute hand until the clock strikes; 2. Raise the lever about 1/8" and release, this will cause the strike to go through another cycle; 3. Repeat until it is correct to the hands. An alternative is to advance the minute hand until to clock strikes and, while it is striking one cycle, advance the minute hand quickly until the hour hand agrees with the strike count, then advance both the time and strike to the correct time.
The hour strike of some wall clocks can be advanced by lifting a wire that hangs down to the left of center. Set the strike of a Westminster Chime by locating the trip wires in the back inside of the works or with some moving the minute hand while the clock is chiming and stopping at the correct interval. All clock are not the same. Some chiming clocks can advance the chime by moving the minute hand counter-clockwise from the 12 to the 9 and back to the 12.
4. Common Problems.minute hand catching on the hour hand, dial, or speed adjust shaftclock moved in case from windingnot set up level with even beatdamage caused by winding too tight
5. Marble Clock Cases: Do not lay them down on the back or sides. Marble cases are cemented together with reinforcing wires similar to a building and are designed to be erect. The large cases must be handled carefully. Do not take chances.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Tag Heuer replica, Romain Jerome replica and Concord replica.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Which watches can be repaired?
A watch may still be worth repairing even if the repair costs exceed the replacement costs if the watch has some sentimental value to you, such as your grandmother's watch. Watches used to be heirlooms traditionally handed down when a child became an adult as new watches were too expensive for them to buy. I highly recommend keeping your watch even if you aren't that interested in it right now.
Be aware that some watchmakers only work on antique or mechanical watches and may not be able to help with the newer ones, such as quartz watches. It might surprise you that there are lots of people who can repair watches from the 1930's, but not watches from the 1990's. The reason is that the ones from the 1930's, for the most part, were designed to be repaired while the ones from the 1990's, for the most part, weren't.
Also, many watchmakers do not handle certain things like replacement watch bands, replacement links to watch bands, replacing diamonds and other jewels on a watch case and other similar "jewelry" aspects of a watch.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Omega replica,Romain Jerome replica and Cartier replica.
Friday, December 5, 2008
How To Identify A Bogus or Fake Rolex Watch
So, what should you look for? The best thing to do is to take your watch to a qualified watchmaker and let them determine if your watch is genuine Rolex or not. Next, you can remove the watch band. Check between the lugs at the 12 position and see if it has an engraved "Registered Design" number. If you see no number, it is fake. Now check between the lugs at the 6 position. Here you should see a serial number of the case. If there is no number, it is fake.
If there is a glass crystal on the back of the case, so you can see the movement, your watch is fake. Also many times, you will see a "Rolex" that has the Rolex name engraved on the case back. These are also fakes.
On gold colored watches, look for signs of wear on the lug ends and on the case backs. Fake Rolex watches will often display area where the gold color has worn off, exposing the white colored base metal of the case below. Check the watch bands and look at the clasp. A genuine Rolex clasp is nicely engraved with the old original Rolex emblem. This appears on both gold and stainless clasps on watch bands.
Another thing to look for is the weight of the watch. Gold Rolex watches are very heavy as compared to the fakes which are very light for their apparent mass. This is because the specific gravity of gold (Au) is much greater than the specific gravity of a base metal. Stainless steel Rolex watches also have more weight to them because stainless is also much heavier than the base metal used in bogus watches.
We hope that this information helps. We understand that many people come into contact with a watch that may have been a gift or inherited from someone and they simply don't know if the watch they received is genuine or not. It is with this in mind that we hope this article helps you determine the true identity of your watch.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Omega replica,Romain Jerome replica and Ferrari replica.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
How to Define Gold Jewelry
1. Note that gold can be everlasting. It will not rust or corrode and can originate from anyplace. Gold survives in rivers, mountains, plants and oceans, it is almost in all over the place but it is very difficult and expensive to take out this wonderful metal.
2. Note that the karat superiority marking shows what percentage of gold is combined with the further metals. Gold jewelry of 14 karat includes 14 pieces of gold combined with 10 pieces of base metal. Higher the karat marking means higher the amount of gold in the part of the jewelry.
3. Note that jewelry may be plated with precious gold metal in different range of methods. Gold plate turns into articles that are either electroplated, mechanically plated or by other resources with gold to a foundation metal.
· The term Gold utilized by it represents 24K gold or all gold. As 24 karat gold is very soft, it is generally combined with further metals for increasing its durability and hardness. If a part of the jewelry is not 24K gold, the karat superiority must go together by stating that the piece is gold.
· Rolled gold plate, gold overlay and gold-filled are the terms utilized to explain jewelry that has a layer of minimum 10-karat gold automatically linked to a base metal. If the jewelry is patented with any terms, it must follow the karat superiority of the gold utilized.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:,I am sure you will get what you want.
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,U-BOAT replica,Omega replica,Alain Silberstein replica and Dewwit replica.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
How to Choose a Diamond
1. Set a budget - don't start looking for a diamond before you have set a budget. Setting a budget will allow you to quickly focus on the diamonds available at your price range.
2. Know the 4C's - Over the years, diamond professionals have developed standards for comparing and evaluating diamonds. These standards are better known as the 4 C's - Carat weight, Color, Clarity, and Cut - which, together, affect the appearance and value of the diamond. A diamond's value is influenced by its rarity. Before purchasing your diamond you should take the time to learn what characteristics influence a diamond's value. Only then can you decide which of the 4C's - Carat weight, Color, Clarity, and Cut - are most important to you. Strive for a stone that offers the best combination of the 4C's.
3. Choose the shape that pleases you - Today's most popular shape is the "brilliant cut," but diamonds come in many appealing shapes. Do not confuse this with Cut. The Cut of the diamond pertains to its proportioning and light performance. The finer the Cut, the more brilliance the diamond will possess. And, after all, that's what you want from a diamond, isn't it?
4. Choose your diamond's color - Remember, the difference in color is minute but the price is not.
5. Choose the clarity - Most diamonds have blemishes and inclusions. These inclusions are what makes your diamond unique. Diamonds are graded under 10 power magnification, so you might think twice before paying for better clarity that can't be seen with the naked eye. Large inclusions (from I1 quality and below, typically) can affect light performance.
6. Carat weight - Obviously everyone strives to purchase as large a diamond as possible. Remember, a large diamond is not always a beautiful diamond. Make sure you haven't compromised too much on the other 3C's before selecting your diamond. Be especially careful on the diamond's cut. A poorly cut diamond loses its fire and brilliance, therefore looking more like a piece of glass.
· Buying diamonds on the Internet can be cheaper than buying them from conventional sellers due to lower overhead costs.
· Before purchasing your diamond, ask about the seller's "Conflict Free Diamonds" policy.
· Ask if your seller will provide Conflict Neutral certification.
· Lab-created diamonds are much less expensive (for the same quality of stone) than mined diamonds. Decide which kind you want.
· Remember that 1 carat weighs about 0.2 grams. So, 5 carats equal a gram.
· Never be afraid to buy fatty pink or fatty dishwater diamonds. They look very pretty, especially if you're buying them for a special girl.
Before deciding to buy a diamond online make sure the diamonds are certified through an independent laboratory or that the business you are purchasing from has credentials. Look for memberships such as the Jewelers of America and The American Gem Society.
Now the author is dealing in top quality replica watches,to know more information about the replica watches,please visit the website:
Rolex,Rolex replica,Rolex 2008 New Model,Breitling replica,Bell&Ross replica,Patek Philippe replica,Omega replica,Chanel replica and Concord replica.